Given the number of participating countries and the combined size of their economies, these agreements will have a major impact on the pattern of international trade and the process of trade and investment liberalization. 这些协议涵盖国家多、经济体量大,将对全球经贸格局和贸易投资自由化进程产生重大影响。
In order to strengthen political will for action, the presumption should be that a country that sustains the scope and pattern of trade surplus and reserves described in the guidelines is achieving a distortion of trade that should be remedied. 为了增强采取行动的政治意愿,应该假定保持方案中所描述贸易顺差和外汇储备范围及模式的国家,正在造成应予以纠正的贸易扭曲。
Study On The Dynamic Advanced Model Of The Pattern Of Trade& Experimental Analyses 贸易模式的动态演进模型与实证检验
Its arrival as a global economic power has been shifting the pattern of Global trade and production: in particular, it lowers the prices of relatively labour-intensive manufactures and raises those of commodities. 中国崛起为全球经济大国,已经在促使全球贸易和生产格局发生改变:尤其是,中国拉低了相对劳动密集型制造品的价格,并推高了大宗商品的价格。
This paper first investigates the pattern of trade and industrial productivity in the ASEAN, China, and India ( ACI). 内容提要本文首先研究了中国、印度和东盟(ACI)的贸易模式和行业生产率。
Just as the pattern of global trade imbalances was proved unsustainable when new lending to the US private sector in the form of subprime mortgages turned sour, ever increasing public deficits cannot sustain a durable recovery. 当以次贷形式借给美国私营部门的新贷款状况恶化,全球贸易失衡模式被证明是不可持续的。同样,与日俱增的财政赤字也无法维系长久的复苏。
Studies on Development Pattern of Port Trade 中小港口临港贸易发展模式研究
On the Euramerican Pattern of Anti-circumvention Trade Remedy and its Enlightenment 欧美反规避贸易救济模式及启示
It needs scientific views of development to transform growth pattern of foreign trade. 转变贸易增长方式需要树立科学的发展观。
In global economy, the restrictions of knowledge and technology spillover bring about technical differences, and thus influence the comparative advantage in international trade. As a result, changes take place in the pattern of trade and economic growth. 从世界经济来看,由知识和技术溢出的地域性而带来的技术差异影响国际贸易中的比较优势,并改变一国的贸易模式和经济增长方式;
The pattern of intra-industry trade between China and Japan presents the situation of giving the first place to intra-industry trade of low quality, the second place to that of high quality, and the last place to horizontal intra-industry trade. 中日制造业产业内贸易类型细分呈现出以低质量产业内贸易为主、高质量产业内贸易次之、水平型产业内贸易比重最低的格局。
The Correlation Analysis on Reducing the Stock Risk by the Means of the Pattern of Two-way Trade 关于用双向交易模式来降低股市风险的相关分析
Meanwhile, environment challenges to current pattern of international trade have made people concerning about whether the competitiveness of trade-related industries is weakening or not. 同时,环境对国际贸易现有框架的不断质疑引起了人们对贸易产业竞争力是否下降的担忧。
Processing trade has become the top one pattern of trade in China's foreign trade, and the topic of its sustainable development has been discussed widely. 加工贸易已成为我国对外贸易的第一大贸易方式,其可持续发展问题已引起广泛关注。
In 21st century, the pattern of world trade has changed. 在21世纪的今天,世界贸易格局早已改观。
Optimize The Import And Export Commodity Mix Changes in the Pattern of Foreign Trade Growth 优化进出口商品结构转变外贸增长方式外商直接投资与我国进出口商品结构
New trade barrier effects on the pattern of trade interest distribution. 新贸易壁垒影响贸易利益的分配。
In this situation, Electronic Commerce ( EC) has emerged and turned into a new pattern of International Trade. 全球商务活动越来越受到新兴电子信息技术的影响,在此情况下,电子商务逐渐产生并成为新的国际贸易方式。
With the development of productivity and division of labor, current pattern of trade evolutes from the Inter-industry trade, Intra-industry trade to the Intra-product specialization. 随着生产力的发展与分工的深化,当前主流贸易模式已经从产业间贸易、产业内贸易发展到产品内分工贸易。
With the development of science and technology improvement and deepening international division of labor, the intra-industry trade now takes a more important role than inter-industry trade in the pattern of international trade. 随着战后科技的进步和国际分工的深化,国际贸易的格局和模式也由以产业间贸易为主转变为以产业内贸易为主。
As a result of economic globalization, in particular, the global pattern of trade in forest products, forest products processing industry confront with the fierce competition from other country, in addition to international financial crisis, China forest products industry also suffered a blow. 由于经济的全球化,尤其是全球林产品贸易格局,使得我国林产品加工业将面对着来自其他国家林产品的激烈竞争,加之当前国际共同面临的金融危机,我国林产品加工业也受到了冲击。
Intra-industry trade has massively emerged since the end of World War II, and it has gradually turned to be a new pattern of international trade in line with trade development. 产业内贸易大量出现于第二次世界大战结束以后,随着国际贸易的发展,产业内贸易逐渐成为国际贸易中新的贸易型态。
Modern Wuhan in Central China, is living in the center of net radiation in the pattern of trade routes. Hankou in Ming and qing dynasties have been developed into a bustling commercial city. 近代武汉在华中地区呈网状辐射的商路格局中居于中心地位,三镇之一的汉口,在明清时期就已发展成为一个繁华的商业都市。
Through much empirical analysis, the conclusions are: Sino-US intra-industry trade index is generally low, inter-industry trade is the basic pattern of bilateral trade. 本文主要结论是:中美工业制成品产业内贸易指数普遍较低,产业间贸易仍旧是双边贸易的基本格局。
At the same time when the "BRICS countries" develop in high speed, the pattern of international trade in the world is quietly changing. 在金砖国家飞速崛起的同时,国际贸易的世界格局也在悄然发生着改变。
The analysis of the macro economic factors indicates that the developing countries 'trade pattern is associated with their economic development stages. The pattern of trade evolves with the structural changes of the leading industrials upgrading and the industrialization strategies conversion. 在对贸易模式演进的宏观因素分析中,本文论证了发展中国家的贸易模式与其经济发展阶段的相关性,以及贸易模式随着经济发展过程中主导产业升级、工业化发展战略转换等经济结构的变化而演进。
Under the various social politics economical background, the various countries has developed the pattern of trade union, which is the trade union of syndicalism, the revolutionary trade union, the production assistance trade union, Chinese Characteristic Socialism Trade union, and so on. 世界各国在各不相同的社会政治经济背景下,形成了工团主义工会、革命化工会、生产辅助型工会、中国特色社会主义工会等工会发展模式。
After World War II, the pattern of International trade is changing with the progress and development of the international division of labor, and intra-industry trade as a new form of trade has gradually come out, it become a hot topic in the academic study of international. 二战后,随着国际分工形式的进步与发展,国际贸易的模式也发生着变化,产业内贸易作为一种新型的贸易形式也逐渐凸显出来,成为学术界对国际贸易研究的一个热点话题。
On the other hand, China has to change the development pattern of foreign trade, improves import and export structure, adjusts foreign trade policy, making foreign trade policy coordinated with domestic industry policies. 另一方面,中国亟需转变对外贸易发展模式,优化进出口商品结构,调整对外贸易政策,促进对外贸易政策与国内产业政策相协调。